The Podcast from Austin, TX hosted by Jordon & Ripley where they talk about the random thoughts and events of their life. Join in each week for the crazy conversations and laughs about nothing in particular.
There's monkeys loose in South Carolina and based on the laughs in this episode a couple might be in the MP studio. If you didn't get your red cup last week, I hear the best solution is to yell at the baristas because they're definitely holding the best red cups for the most determined customers who demand one from the managers... But if not as al...
Yes it's that time of year once more, the time when podcasts turn holidays and the stories turn to Victoria of wall street. Ripley's got some real facts of a doozy this week as she dives into her latest obsession and recommendations for new TV show ideas. Don't worry, you're not the only one who thinks serving sizes are too small. Get yourself som...
There's new logos and the inevitable expansion of territory all bundled up on this week of Mindless Prattle, your favorite casting of the pods where Ripley and Jordon explore the depths of the horrors in the hotel room next door, the ability to time travel, and the human race procrastinating the solution to Y2K. If you liked what you heard and wan...
Get your F money out cause we on a rampage quest for which fish is the most animal and why SHERLOC has old life. No AI in this episode, probably, as we explore the world of wholesome science news about the blob fish face, the untimely demise of team Blue, and the dangers of the online Blox community. Its Mindless Prattle back from a new studio so ...
Don't let yourself become Thanatoast, listen in to this weeks episode of Mindless Prattle! The loneliness is not alone, at least in Japan where they got one of them Ministers of Loneliness to help the public during tough times. We used to have the scientists with all the money and now we have the ice planet we live on! If you liked what you heard ...